April 2015 Gardening Tips


Wisteria is a deciduous, perennial vine which is a member of the pea family. There are different kinds of wisteria, American , Chinese and Japanese. Wisteria in a vigorous climber and needs sun to part shade for the stunning blooms of purple, white and sometimes pink racemes which look like grapes. Attractive to bees wisteria is easy to grow but can take several years to bloom. It is best to get older plants or cutting from mature plants. It grows well in almost all kinds of soil. Grow as a vine with strong support or as a free standing specimen, Wisteria is considered an invasive plant.

The Chinese wisteria-Wisteria sinensis is the most popular wisteria. It has very fragrant flowers that open at the same time & bloom in early Spring. The vine is very invasive. It continues to grow without sun and can choke native plants and shade areas for up to 100 feet in zones 5-9. Some varieties include, ‘Caroline’, lavender/purple flowers, ‘Alba’, white flowers. Chinese wisteria can be difficult to contain or eradicate and requires vigorous pruning. To eliminate, cut vines to the ground and paint stems with glyphosate. Continue to mow any small shoots that reappear.

Japanese wisteria-Wisteria floribunda is similar to Chinese but has longer leaflets and much longer flowers to 20 inches or more. The flowers last longer & open first at the base and last at the top. While not as showy as the Chinese, the Japanese wisteria is more cold tolerant.

American Wisteria-Wisteria frutescens is a non-invasive wisteria. Native from Texas to Virginia and Florida. The deep blue/purple, occasional white racemes bloom in April/May and are not as fragrant but is still a beautiful vine. American wisteria grows 20-30 feet in zones 5-10. Grow from cuttings. Other varieties include, ‘Amethyst Falls’, short dark purple flowers, ‘Delta Blues’, longer lavender flowers, ‘Clara Mack’ has longer white flowers.

submitted by Karen Blackburn

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