May 2015 Gardening Tips

Tropical Color for the Garden

One of the best plants for tropical flowers from midspring through fall is the tropical hibiscus.

Tropical hibiscuses, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is also Chinese Hibiscus. It is a Tropical evergreen shrub which can grow 6-8 feet depending on the variety. The plants can be single or double flowered with large funnel-shaped flowers. The brilliant colors come in many shades of white, yellow, orange, red and pink.

You can grow these plants in ground or in containers. They do well in containers but may need to be watered more often in containers and as summer heat progresses. Always use good potting soil. Best planted in Spring and Summer, If you are planting in ground, use well drained soil. Add sand & organic matter to clay soils as well as a little fertilizer. Prune occasionally and only if plant becomes overgrown. Plants need to be fertilized in Spring and summer but not too heavily. Timed released and liquid fertilizers work well. Don’t allow plants to severely wilt.

Thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies and scale can be problems. Hibiscus mealy bug can be a big problem in our area and should be treated with the recommended insecticide containing Imidacloprid. Insecticidal soap and summer horticultural oil sprays also are recommended. Use Sevin if caterpillars are a problem. Plants need protection from temperatures below 30 degrees and may not survive freezing temperatures.

Some recommended varies are. ‘Hula Girl’ which is yellow with red center, ‘Cecelia” which is Double red. Cajun series have some of the largest flowers of any of the tropical hibiscus and unique flower colors. The TradeWinds series tropical hibiscuses are popular for numerous colors. Variegated plants include, Aussie Queen, Snow Queen and Rose Queen which add interesting foliage in the garden.

submitted by Karen Blackburn

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