June 2014 – Gardening Tips

Stokes Aster (blue variety)

Stokes Aster – Stokesia laevis

Sometimes known as “Cornflower Aster,” Stokesia laevis is a member of the Compositae family. It is native from South Carolina to Florida and west to Louisiana.

This hardy perennial is a lovely plant and should be used more often. It has blue or white flowers with virtually no pests or disease problems. Flowers are many petaled up to 5” across. Foliage is medium green color, smooth, toothed shapes with medium textured up to 8” long. Aster performs best in full or part sunlight with good drainage but is not picky and is comfortable in moist soil provided there is good drainage. I have the blue varieties with sky blue flowers that look attractive in the front or in a border of garden beds. Blue asters are especially attractive next to pink flowers. Recommended blue varieties are “Blue Danube”,” Blue Moon” and “Wyoming”. “Silver Moon” is a creamy white.

Stokes Aster (blue variety)

Stokesias should be planted in a few inches or organic soil in the Fall and Spring for summer blooms and sometimes a repeat bloom in fall. The blooms should be deadheaded by cutting out the stalk or faded flowers for a longer bloom time. Fertilize this plant with a general purpose fertilizer in March and July once established. These clumping plants can be divided every few years for additional plants.

submitted by Karen Blackburn

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