Book Review – Container Gardening Complete

Container Gardening Complete
By Jessica Walliser
Review by Karen Smith

This book is a comprehensive guide to growing all types of plants in a small space, making it an invaluable resource for the urban, indoor or vegetable gardener.  All it requires is some creativity and a container to make it happen.


The foundation of successful container gardening is dependent on three “pillars” — the right kind of container, the right potting mix and the right location. The author gives guidelines on the container selection process, including size and the pros/cons of different pot materials. There is even a section on using repurposed items! Potting mix “recipes” are given for different types of plants, and the importance of container location, based on sun exposure is also addressed. 


Designing your container is the next step. Proportion, focal point, balance and style should all be considered. Five different design styles are presented with pictures that illustrate each one.  For plant selection, there is an informational chart of over 125 annuals, perennials, bulbs/tubers, tropical plants, small trees/shrubs, herbs and vegetables to help you select the right plants for your creation. 


Another section is devoted to fruits. When caring for your container, watering, fertilizing, deadheading, pinching, and staking are all necessary maintenance tasks that need to be done on a regular basis. Each one of these topics is discussed at length, with lots of suggestions and “projects” to help make these chores more manageable.  Pests, good and bad, are discussed in detail as well as pathogen and physiological problems. Photos are included for easy identification and control methods are suggested. 


This book is filled with over 20 do-it-yourself projects that would not take much expertise to accomplish. And, the many photos of completed containers inspire me to go out in the garden and get started!


NOTE: Jessica Walliser is an advocate of organic gardening, which is often reflected in her award- winning seven garden books. She is co-founder of the website where you can find information on a variety of garden subjects. 

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